HOW about golf simulators ?
golf simulators near me 2024

Like most things in life, there’s more than what meets the eye.

Here we are at that time of year again – ending winter. At this time, all sorts of good things start to happen – flowers prepare to bloom, temps will soon warm up. We celebrate winter’s departure with new spring fashion and pedicures. This time of year feels hopeful and bright, with summer approaching.

So why do I sometimes approach spring with a little apprehension?. Sure, I appreciate a pretty tulip as much as the next gal, and I’m always game for shopping and a pedicure. But as a golfer… I get excited and nervous, knowing that I haven’t picked up a golf club since last October. This makes me feel like I’m missing out. Of course, I know better than this. I mean, I’ve written articles about how to stay in golf shape over the winter.

This year, however, I decided to make an (11th-hour) effort to warm up my game by exploring the world of golf simulators. I’d heard all about them from my husband, who participates in a winter simulator league. So, on a snowy night last month, I asked him on a romantic golf simulator date at any liv golf club building. I was determined to wake up my backswing and reacquaint myself with my clubs. 

The Low-Down on Golf Simulators

Before our date, I did some research on simulators. My non-techy synopsis comes from a great explanation of simulators by the folks at They explained,  “A golf simulator is a device that can be used to play and improve one’s game of golf. It consists of a set of sensors and computer software that is used to track the ball’s trajectory and provide feedback on the player’s swing.” (My definition? Simulators allow one to play golf indoors, using real clubs and a real ball on real courses, all thanks to the magic of computers.)

In my research, I also discovered that golf simulators can offer a variety of experiences, with options like league play, golf academies, and golf tournaments. Plus, most venues serve great food and beverages too. 

In addition, local bars, country clubs, and other smaller venues feature golf simulators for individual or league play. Simulators are cropping up everywhere – there are even simulators being built into new apartment complexes.

If you’d rather work on your game at home, there’s a golf simulator for that as well. A home golf simulator can be built for all budgets – from the low end of around $225 (which consists of a special club connected to a computer) to a much larger system costing 10s of thousands more. If you’ve got the space and the budget, you’ve got options.

The Benefits of Golf Simulators

It turns out simulators are helpful all year round, as they allow us to: 

  • Work on all aspects of the game – driving, hitting, chipping, and putting
  • Play courses found around the world – choose a different course each time you play, thus learning how to play and read different courses
  • Personalize the experience – adjust the skill level of each round and choose your competition, so you play against the friends you’re with or a computer-generated golfer
  • Get social – go with friends, a date, your kids, or new people in a league
  • Play rain or shine – the weather won’t affect your golf plans (it’s virtually impossible to get rain out)
  • Get exercise and work on golf skills – stay in the swing of golf all year long and get a bit of exercise (virtual golf is a great alternative to a night on the couch)
  • Prepare physically and mentally for the real course –  even after one round of virtual golf, my inspiration to improve and practice will renewed

So, i am motivated to play year-round thanks to the magic of golf simulators? I’m answering with a solid YES.  While I’ll admit it was a little rough during the first few holes of the simulator, I’m excited to give it another go. It felt like real golf – from the fact that I actually “played” a course to the inevitable ups and downs I encountered during the round (there were a few PG-13 moments while I got the hang of golfing via computer). But the bottom line? My virtual golf date was fun and memorable, proving whether your rounds are real or simulated… it’s always good to get out on the course.

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